Saturday 26 November 2011

Kheem Pattis

Hey guy its a lovely Saturday here in Hyderabad and i just thought that i have posted enough of vegetarian dishes in my blog its time to satisfy the taste buds try i\out something spicy and sinful  ,so todays  dish is non vegetarian delight and the cooking technique is very different from the traditional techniques , but its in line with  our healthy and indian as well as hyderabadi theme so read on ,


  • minced meat or kheema 1/4kg
  • coriander 1cup
  • ginger-garlic 1tsp
  • Mint-1 cup
  • potatoes about 4-6
  • salt to taste
  • oil
  • bread crump powder
  • red chili powder

first boil the potatoes , and then remove its skin. Now apply some oil to your hands and start mashing the potatoes, the reason behind the application of oil to the hands is that the mashed potatoes pulp doesn't stick to the hands, keep the mashed pulp aside, now take a frying pan now heat some oil in it and now wash the minced meat such that the meat is not washed away this step is only to maintain a higher state of hygiene , not washing will also do , since it will be cooked at high temperatures now put this in the pan , now add ginger garlic paste to it and fry it for some time after the moisture is extracted from the meat , add red chili powder and mix well , then add half glass of water to it , for it to cook, now let it cook till the water evaporates , then take of the flames and let it cool , now apply some oil to the hands , then take the mashed potatoes and make small circular
shapes of zero thickness out of it the size should be about th palm of your hands ,now fill the minced meat into it cover it and again make circular shapes out of it but this time there should be some amount of thickness associated with it, this is called the pattis .Now dip the pattis in the bread crump powder , while this is being done take a frying pan , now shallow fry the pattis , till they colour turns brownish, Repeat the process for all pattis's .

and voila the pattis is ready , its best eaten with burger buns , bread when sandwitched.

so there you have it easy to make , ready to eat ,delicious in taste

Healthy Facts:
well guys as i mentioned that this dish is only for the taste buds therefore don't think there much health related to it , the cooking technique is also not a healthy one , so i recommend this only on special occasion

Friday 25 November 2011

Methi ke parathae

well after months of blogging i have finally come across my first request , and so on public demand , i am presenting to you an age old bread making technique and the unique bread that it produces called paratha's , the dish is in total sync with our healthy food theme and has been relished by many indian's as the most Delicious kind of bread , well enough said read on for the dish then ,


  • methi or fenugreek cleaned & chopped one cup
  • chopped kothmir or corriander 1 cup
  • salt to taste
  • turmeric 1tsp
  • oil 2tbsp
  • wheat flour -1/4kgs
  • 1 cup sliced onions
  • red chilli powder to taste
  • ginger -garlic paste 1/2tbsp
  • chat masala

take bowl and add the fenugreek ,coriander,turmeric ,salt,onions,red chilli powder ,chat masala ,ginger garlic paste & 2tbsp of oil to the wheat flour make a dough
out of this mixture , once the flour is done cover it with a wet cloth and let it rest for about 1 hour, after 1 hour make a chapathis (also known outside south asia
as flat bread) out of it , now take a tava or a frying pan add litle bit of oil , just about 1tsp or less the method of adding the oil should be taken carre of
the oil should slowly from the sides of the pan while moving the spoon conatining the oil around the circumference of the pan such that the oil spreads all over the
pan ,now put the chapathi on the pan and let it cook , when he colour changes and it becomes brown that means i has been cooked ,while its cooking keep moving and fliping
it so that all areas of the chapathi are well cooked now that they are cooked they are called the parathas. Repeat the cooking process for all parathas

once they are all cooked you can serve them with any curry or even curd

Healthy Facts:
Methi or fenugreek
Popularly known as methi,Fenugreek is consumed in a variety of ways in order to take advantage of its many health promoting properties, Fenugreek is extremely nutrient dense. Fenugreek is a source of iron, protein, dietary fiber, vitamin C, thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B6, folate, calcium, magnesium, potassium and selenium. Its especially useful in case's of

  • Diabetic
  • Breast milk production
  • Menstruation & menopause
  • Bueatification
  • hair health
etc Read More:

Coriander, commonly known as Dhania in the Indian Subcontinent or Cilantro in the Americas and some part of Europe, is an herb which is extensively used around the world as a condiment or as a garnish or as a decoration on the dishes, but its has many medicinal uses as well such as
  • Swellings
  • High collestrol level
  • Diarrhea
  • Digestion
  • Anemia
etc Read More:

Saturday 19 November 2011

Methi ke Gatte

I know , I know U guys must be mad at me cause i just had Stopped Bloging for so many days but things , back home became to hectic and i just could'nt find enough time for it .But things calmed down and i have come back to my passion blogging about food , so today i am going to present a rajathani delicacies called Methi ke Gatte , as you all know that i am passionate about healthy food and this is a Traditional Dish that can't get healthier , so read on to know more :-


  • Fenugreek or methi
  • Asafoetida or Hing
  • Garam masala
  • Salt (to taste)
  • chilli powder (to taste)
  • Baesan or gram flour
  • Turmeric
  • Corriander
  • oil
  • Cummin seeds or jeera
  • Curry leaves
  • Strained Curd (for wet variety only)

Quantity: as required


Chopp the methi or fenugreek , & add it to the Baesan or Gram flour, now mix it well & add salt , turmeric ,chilli powder, corriander & make a dough out of this mixture once the dough made and is set make long cigar like structures from it these are called Gatte , now Boil some water and let these cigar like structures steam on them , after they have been cooked on the steam a nice aroma tarts coming out this is signalling that they have been cooked now remove the cigars from the steam and cut the cigars into smaller pieces get creative while doing this to make the food even more good looking.Now we must prepare for the process of

Heat some oil in the pan , now take some cummins seeds , Curry leaves and add it to the oil after they start making spluttering sound add the gatte to it and fry them for ome time now serve with garnishing .

Add red chilli powder, salt, coriander powder and haldi to the strained curd.Mix it well.Now add cooked besan pieces to this mixture.Heat the oil.Put cumin seeds and curd mixture.Cook till it comes to boil.Cook it over medium flame for 5 minutes.Gatte ki Sabzi is ready.

Healthy Facts :
  • Gram flour

    This food is low in Saturated Fat, and very low in Cholesterol and Sodium. It is also a good source of Dietary Fiber, Magnesium and Copper, and a very good source of Folate and Manganese.

    Read More
  • curd
    Consumption of yogurt or curd has been associated with strengthening of the immune system.
    One serving of yogurt per day is said to be beneficial for those suffering from osteoporosis.
    Low-fat or skim curd is good for people who are suffering from higher levels of cholesterol.
    Even those who are lactose-intolerant can consume yogurt, as bacteria present in it breaks down the lactose before it enters your body.
    The bacteria in curd can help digest food and thus, alleviate the problem of stomach infection.
    Those suffering from vaginal infection have also been found to have benefited from yogurt.
    Studies have suggested that consumption of curd might help reduce the risk of high blood pressure.
    The active culture of yogurt has been found to be beneficial in case of constipation and colon cancer.
    Read More:

  • Fenugreek
    Read More:

  • Asafoetida
    Read More: