Wednesday 13 July 2011

Suran-Tava Fry

Hello everyone   , today is the second day of my blogging adventure and i have decided to change the style of my blogging , from today my blog's gona be more inform (go to hell with the formality's yaar) , i have also decide to include a nutritional segment in order to make my reader more aware of the nutritional value of dishes , they are reading about .

Today we are gona make another south Indian starter made out of a vegetable which is extremely healthy but is getting lost to the modern age cooking practices, so read on guys



  1. suran or elephant foot yam-1/2kg

  2. turmeric-1tsp

  3. salt-to taste

  4. red chili powder-to taste

  5. oil-1 cup

  6. ginger-garlic paste-1tbsp

  7. besan ka atta or bengal gram flour-1 cup

Peel the yam first , cut the yam into small piecese preferrably square shaped now take a vessel and put the yam and water in it & heat it for 7-8 minutes , until the water boils. after the water boils drain the water & let the yam pieces cool, now add turmeric powder , salt & chili powder to taste with some ginger garlic paste , mixture them well. now take some Bengal gram flour and dip the yam pieces into it , such that they are fully covered in it , now , heat some oil in a pan & shallow fry these pieces in it , until the color becomes golden brown. Take the done yam pieces out & soak the excess oil in a tissue paper garnish and serve.


  1. Besan or Bengal Gram Flour

    Besan is exceptionally rich in proteins and very low in calories. It is a non-gluttonous flour unlike
    wheat and other flours. Carbohydrate content is also very low in besan recipes. Even after having all these nutritive ,values, besan or besan dishes should be consumed in moderation as it contains more fat as compared to wheat flour.

  2. Elephant Yam Health Benefits:

    • The trace minerals and key minerals present in elephant yam include copper, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium.
    • The fiber content in elephant yam is naturally high and therefore, it is usually considered a slimming food, as it promotes weight loss and reduces the levels of cholesterol in the body.
    • It has a cooling effect on the body, which is why it is good for people who suffer from hypertension.
    • Elephant yams are very high in omega 3 fatty acids; they help reduce the bad cholesterol in the body and increase the good cholesterol instead.
    • People who are undergoing treatment for piles are usually advised to eat high amounts of elephant yam.
    • The anti-coagulating properties present in yam can prevent the blood from clotting.
    • The glycemic index of yams is on the lower side, which is why it is good for people who are suffering from diabetes.
    • The consumption of elephant yams is good for women, as it increases the estrogen levels in their body, thereby, helping them to maintain their hormonal balance. Since yams are high in Vitamin B6, it can provide relief from pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) too.
    • Elephant yams can help reduce irregular bowel movements & cure constipation.

    People suffering from sinus infections, asthma or chronic colds should avoid eating elephant yam, as it has a cooling effect on the body. Also women who are pregnant or a breast feeding should get an approval from the doctor, before consuming any amount of elephant yam.
  3. Health Benefits TurmericIt is a powerful medicine that has long been used in the Chinese and Indian systems of medicine as an anti-inflammatory agent to treat a wide variety of conditions.

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