Saturday 16 July 2011

Crispy Dhai Vadda

Hello everyone , well 2 day is another bright day here in Hyderabad ,a good day i suppose to be be blogging about food and also enjoying it.

Today's recipe is a bit special cause this is what i had made yesterday, whats so special about yesterday you ask ?? well it was my husbands birthday and hence as would happen almost everywhere there was a special dish made for yesterday. I hence decided to blog about it , this is a very special dish called "Dhai Vadda" believed to have originated in the western parts of India this dish can eaten in both sweet and spicy versions and belongs to the snack section in the food classification hierarchy, to know how to make the dish read on ,

Category: quick snack , starter, dessert.

  • Split Black Gram-200gms
  • Split Green Gram-50gms
  • oil
  • curd-4cups
  • coriander leaves & powder
  • Red chili powder
  • Black rock salt
  • salt
  • cumin seeds
  • mustard seeds
  • curry leaves


mix the grams & soak for 2hrs, then grind them and make a batter. take some oil in a pan and heat it, now form the batter into medium sized balls flat on the top & bottom , deep fry these balls put these aside in a tissue paper

People who would like to eat it as a sweet snack add some sugar to the curd before taking it into the tadka process , the ratio of sugar to be added depends on the taste of the people who are goning to eat it.


The tadka is a process which is a part of most of the Indian cuisines, its basically the frying of all the spices in oil to bring all the spicy flavor together , later when this oily mixture is added to the ingredients the spicy flavor spread among them .

Take abt 1 tea spoon of oil, add cumin and mustard seeds , curry leaves, salt to taste when these start to splatter add the curd add some water to make the curd semi liquid , let it cool, the tadka process ends here.

Now take the vadda's and soak them in water & instantly remove them also press them slightly to remove the water , this will remove the excess the oil (as according to physics oil is lighter than water hence it will come out of the vadda to make space for the water) , it will also make the vadda softer & crispier , also upon pressing it ,it removes the excess water , making space for air to go in and inflate the vadda.

now take a bowl put the vadda's into it and pour curd,coriander,dhaniya powder,red chili powder, black salt to taste from above , toss it a few times so that all the ingredients gel well , then let it rest for some time so that all the spices will go into the vadda and make it even more tasty .After that garnish it with coriander leaves and serve.

Nutritional Value

Black Gram
Black gram is rich in potassium, phosphorus and calcium with good amount of sodium. It also has small amount of iron in it.Black gram is also rich in Vitamin A, B1 and B3 and has small amount of thiamine, riboflavin and Vitamin C in it. 100g of Black Gram has 347 calories. Black Gram cures diabetes, sexual dysfunction, nervous disorders, hair disorders, digestive system disorders and rheumatic afflictions

Green gram
Unlike other pulses, green gram is free of flatulence-causing agents. This makes it an acceptable food for convalescents and pleasant weaning food for babies. The protein is especially rich in the amino acid, lysine, but it is somewhat deficient in sulphur-containing amino acids. The seeds are rich in calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, potassium, folate and other B Vitamins. They also contain appreciable amounts of Vitamin C. The best & healthiest method of making it edible is boiling. Cooking does not affect the protein profile of this seed.

  • Consumption of yogurt or curd has been associated with strengthening of the immune system.
  • One serving of yogurt per day is said to be beneficial for those suffering from osteoporosis.
  • The bacteria in curd can help digest food and thus, alleviate the problem of stomach infection.
  • Those suffering from vaginal infection have also been found to have benefited from yogurt.
  • Studies have suggested that consumption of curd might help reduce the risk of high blood pressure.
  • Curd is also said to be helpful in treating inflammatory bowel disease
  • Yogurt helps you feel fuller and is thus, a very good snack for those trying to lose weight.
  • Being rich in calcium, curd is good for the health of bones as well as the teeth.

well as you saw this is a very healthy at the same very tasty dish so do try it , and also drop some comments as to how you liked it or disliked it .
its chow for now

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