Tuesday 12 July 2011


CATEGORY : Starter


  • Chopped drumsticks:-8 pieces
    (make 3 pieces of a full grown drum stick fruit)
  • Sesame (til) -100gms
  • Turmeric-1tsp
  • Salt-to taste
  • Red chili powder-to taste
  • oil



Now roast the sesame seeds , now after the sesame seeds cool down a bit put them in a mixture jar with turmeric powder , salt chili powder  & then grind them until they become a fine powder , take this powder out in to a plate.


Boil the drumstick pieces & keep them aside ,Now take the just boiled drumsticks and slit them , now fill them with the powder, shallow fry the drumsticks in a pan on low heat by covering them with a lid , after 5 mins when the bottom side becomes brown roll the drumsticks to the other sides . After the drumsticks becomes  brown on all sides consistently take them out, soak the excess oil in a tissue .

The  dish is now ready to be served

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