Tuesday 12 July 2011

Moong-Tomato dal

moong dal or mung beans-1/4kgs
tomato -1/4kgs
green chillies -10-15
salt-to taste
ginger-garlic paste-1tsp
cloves of garlic 3-4
dried red chillie 1-2
cummins & mustard seeds
corriender leaves
curry leaves
Quantity:3-4 persons
heat  1/2 tsp oil & roast moong dal , now rinse the dal with cold water and soak in water for 15-30 minutes .
Put the soaked dal with the stock(water used to soak the daal)  when this mixture starts to come to a boil , add turmeric powder & some oil about a tsp of both is preferable , when the water content gets reduced and daal starts coming up  means that the daal is cooked now.
Now added finely chopped green chillies and tomatoes .
cook for 5-10 mins
after its totally cooked mash the daal nicely(this is to be done while the daal is being cooked on the flame)
now add salt to taste & ginger-garlic paste 1tbsp .  take the daal of the flame

Now the process of tadka starts
heat about 2 tbsp's of oil in a pan , add cummin,curry leaves, finely chopped garlic,dry red chilli (preferably broken into pieces) , cook till  the garlic pieces  go red, now take the mixture off the heat & add the tadka mixture to the daal  .

Add 1/2-1 cup of water to the daal-tadka mixture, put it an high flame and cooked uncovered , till the daal comes to a boil .
The daal is now fully cooked .
Garnish and serve.

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